#YemziGirl Interview August, Robin

1. Please describe what you do, where you're from (and your age if you feel comfortable)
R: I'm a fashion and portrait photographer from Utrecht, The Netherlands age 24

2. How did you get into fashion photography?
R: I got my first camera when I was 8 years old. It was a little olympus film camera and I took it everywhere. Started taking pictures of landscapes, then close up flowers, then my sister and now models.
3. Talk us through your inspirations and photographic style...
R: I’m heavily inspired by surrealist artists [such] as Frida Kahlo and Salvador Dali. My work isn’t inspired by other photographers, but by painters.

4. I had fun on your set earlier this year. What techniques are you experimenting with currently?
R: I’m currently experimenting with shadows and gels. I’ve always kind of shot with gels here and there, but I’m trying to expand my knowledge.

5. What has been your favourite project to date?
R: Probably every project I’ve done with my muse, Miss Paige Tyson Sims
6. Can you describe your dream shoot in detail?
R: There are way too many things I want to do that I definitely do not have the budget for. One of them is a deep sea mermaid shoot in Hawaii or something.

7. If you could only shoot one cover what magazine would it be and who's the face?
R: Vogue, Paige
8. What do you do when you are not shooting and retouching?
R: Playing with my cats and rewatching Friends and Fresh Prince on Netflix

9. Please share with us your top 3 tips for budding photographers who want to enter the fashion industry?
R: Be ballsy and don’t be afraid to try anything
10. You are great at spotting model talent and you briefly had a modelling agency, tell us about it...
R: Thank you, I would have loved to have continued it, but I think I jumped on it too fast with too little experience, not the right help and definitely the wrong timing in my life.

11. What has been the biggest challenge in your career so far?
R: Moving to a new country and then moving to a new city and trying to figure out how to succeed in the process

12. What's your take on the #selfie culture?
R: Hate it
13. Which is your favourite Yemzi piece?
R: My beautiful dark green jumper

14. And finally, your favourite quote?
We’re all mad here
Instagram: @ambientjade